

Origami (折り紙?, from ori meaning "folding", and kami meaning "paper") is the traditional Japanese art of paper folding, which started in the 17th century AD at the latest and was popularized outside of Japan in the mid-1900s. It has since then evolved into a modern art form. The goal of this art is to transform a flat sheet of paper into a finished sculpture through folding and sculpting techniques, and as such the use of cuts or glue are not considered to be origami. Paper cutting and gluing is usually considered kirigami.
As every school year, we will start doing some origami in our Art lessons. 2nd year students are already familiar to this art , so your sculptures must be a little bit more complicated.1st year students will start with the popular and easy French Fries packet.

You will find origami folding instructions here for fun and decorative items such as origami crane, christmas tree, boat, airplane, pig, pumpkin, dollar bill elephant, ...

These are some of the amazing origami projects we made last year.

This is a Lock Ness Monster made out of 250 tiny paper pieces¡¡¡ Miguel Orte made it.

Would you be able to make such a tiny sculpture like this?



Let´s see a ppt about Visual Language that some of the school students prepared last year:

We share our ideas, emotions and knowledge with other people through speech, sounds, gestures ,symbols and images. We are surrounded by images on TV, the internet, magazines, billboards...In this unit we are going to read images, to guess their functions and purposes, and undserstand their meanings.An image is an   essential part of publicity, so we will also learn how to manipulate images to create different effects and convey meaning in the language of advertising.

Let´s have a look to some adds where images have been manipulated.Try to guess the meaning they are trying to convey.

Task: Take an advert and use it to create a new artistic image with a differnt meaning
You can also try this webpage beastblender.com.. Here you can manipulate images to create a being
that has never existed. Blensd part of one animal with part of another, and another. The eyes of a deer may see best on a head of an ape,the legs of a cat may move a fish too.Experiment all you want, It´s the artistic turn of form, and send me your awesome creations. 


One of the highlights of last year was painting a mural in the city centre. All those that participated really enjoyed this experience. We recommend that you go along and see it. It’s in c/ circo, right next to the bullring. Tell us what you think!  


With oil paints or simple crayons, the element of COLOR is so powerful. There are many aspects to explore---among them: Value, Tints, Shades, Color Classifications, and Color Neutralization.

Have a look to this website about colour

And in this link we can learn a lot about colour meaning

Activity: Let´s make an original colour wheel.Here there are some examples from
www: mmwindowtoart.com

 TEXTURE gives authenticity to rendered images and the integrity of surfaces created establishes reality and contrast excitement in every art style.

Have a look to this website and try to do the activity "collage"" of the second page.


  We can find a great variety of texture in nature but we can also create them. Surfaces can be smooth, rough,soft, hard...When we create texture in our drawings , we improve their quality and make them lifelike.We can use texture to create original and fun compositions. What about a vase of flowers with a lion´s fur surface? or a Zebra with a polka dot fur? Let´s be creative!!