
Welcome to our last week of school! 
I know you are a little bit tired of drawing cities and lines so let´s do something different. Let´s draw faces. It will be fun if you try to draw a mate´s face  and we could prepare an exhibition in the school corridors.
Let´s watch this ppt 

Most of us have been looking forward to this week, so, Let´s enjoy it!
I have found this project surfing the Internet and I´m sure you will like it. It´s quite easy and it will take you just one hour. You can use it to decorate your folder !


1)      Using sharpie, write your name in cursive about 10 times on a piece of white paper. Make sure that you are writing in all different directions, and that your name intersects with itself (no floating names!) Names should be in all different sizes
2)      When you are happy with how it looks, select 3 or 4 markers, and begin filling in the sections that you have made. Work all over the page, so that when the work period is up, all work will appear “finished”, even if all sections have not been completed.